Monday, April 27, 2009


i decided to have this blog conversation with my boyfriend, knowing he has little to no interest in anything SIS related, although it had some interesting results.

i think background on the topic is a crucial element of consideration going into such a conversation, because my conversation partner is not only not american, but from a region not very versed in eco-leadership; he grew up not only outside the US, but up in the well forested mountains of his homeland. this served to be an interesting counterpoint. to me, growing up in an industrial suburb, i almost struggle with eco-remorse at earlier practices, and actively promote eco-friendly practices now. he on the other hand grew up using less energy, walkiing more, etc. so it was not that either of us cared more or less about the environment before, but he hasnt seen a need to change his practices or attitude much because before, he was already living rather sustainably.

That said, he doesnt see the risk of not changing his ways; leaving lights on, forgetting to turn off the television or AC before leaving, things i scramble around doing before we leave anywhere. Ultimately though, he explained to me that it is not a misunderstanding of the fears of global warming for him, he knows and understands this, but in fact, not just a case of thinking that one persons changes make a difference (YES! they do!!), but more a matter of all people learning and practicing changing their daily habits...

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